'Panik i 2023': James Corbett forklarer, hvordan bankkrise kunne føre til CBDC 'Mareridt med total monetær kontrol'

Investigative journalist James Corbett has recently referred to the ongoing global banking crisis involving SVB, Signatur Bank, Credit Suisse and others as thePanic of 2023,drawing comparisons to what he views as historical precedents, and pointing ahead to an inevitable

Amerikanske inflationsdata letter bekymringerne; Kryptoøkonomi springer 11% Højere, mens markedsanalytikere forventer Feds næste beslutning

USA. Arbejdsministeriet offentliggjorde forbrugerprisindekset (CPI) beretning tirsdag. Selvom inflationen steg i februar år-til-år, stigningen var forventet, og den årlige inflationsrate for alle poster var 6%. Den afkølende inflation har lettet nogle bekymringer, men…

Kryptoudvekslinger tillader russere at omgå sanktioner, Rapporter påstande

Store kryptobørser har undladt at forhindre sanktionerede russiske banker og handlende i at handle, ifølge en blockchain retsmedicinsk rapport. Mindst to etablerede mønthandelsplatforme giver fortsat russere mulighed for at bruge deres bankkort i peer-to-peer-aftaler, analysen…

Citizens Trust Bank at holde $65 Millioner i USDC-reserver, da Circle udvider bankpartnerskaber

På fredag, the cryptocurrency firm and stablecoin issuer Circle announced that the financial institution Citizens Trust Bank will hold $65 million in usd coin cash reserves. Circle said the move is part of the company’s plan to allocate shares of the

Midt i høj energiefterspørgsel fra minearbejdere, Rusland overvejer at bygge nye kraftværker i Sibirien

Growing electricity consumption in the crypto mining sector may require the construction of new power generation facilities in Siberia, the energy minister of Russia has acknowledged. Demand continues to increase in residential areas as well, after regional authorities abandoned a proposal

Crypto Community spørger: Hvor i verden er Ex-Alameda CEO Sam Trabucco?

Following FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried’s arrest and the statements from his co-workers Gary Wang and Caroline Ellison, the spotlight has turned on the remaining executives who were part of the team’s inner circle. Another person people are curious about these days

Defi mere skalerbar end traditionel økonomi, Ny undersøgelse siger

Despite the market conditions that prevailed in much of 2022, decentral finansiering (defi) still demonstrated its greater scaling potential than that of the traditional financial industry, a new report has said. Even though the total value locked dropped from the peak

Den nigerianske centralbank siger, at den vil frigive nye sedler i december - Naira falder til New Low

Starting December 15, Nigerians will be using newly-designed 100, 200, 500 and 1,000-naira banknotes, the governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) har sagt. The announcement has since resulted in the naira’s parallel market exchange rate versus the U.S. dollar…

Financial Giant State Street ser aftagende kryptoefterspørgsel fra institutionelle investorer

Investment management firm State Street says that institutional clients are not deterred from investing in crypto assets despite price declines. “There is a belief that the asset class is here to stay,” a State Street executive said. State Street on Institutional

Stablecoin-udsteder Tether vil ikke fryse Tornado Cash-adresser, Siger, at for tidlig frysning kan bringe undersøgelser i fare

Mens kryptosamfundet stadig taler om U.S. regeringen forbyder ethereum-blandingsplatformen Tornado Cash, stablecoin-udstederen Tether Holdings Limited afslørede onsdag, at selskabet ikke ville “fryse Tornado Cash-adresser.” Tether’s recently published blog post